Monday, June 30, 2014

~My Favorite New Painting Product~

So it's been quite a while since I have blogged. With four children, life gets very busy and sometimes my creativity has to go on hold in order to make sure dance classes, music lessons, potty training, school lunches, Cub Scouts, etc go smoothly. But now summer is here and my creative juices are flowing.

I was recently reading a new blog and was intrigued when the blogger spoke about a product from Michael's called Chalky Finish by Americana Decor. I am a huge fan of chalk paint and have done many projects in my house with it. Up until now, I have used Annie Sloan's Chalk paint which I adore but have put all new products on hold because it is only sold in pint size containers that cost about $30 (which goes far but still pricey). When I saw that the Chalky Finish is only about $9.00 and I could use the Michael's 40% off coupon on in, I was very excited.

Michael's has a small display in the store. It is hard to find and the employees aren't very familiar with it because it is a newer product for them so take your time and look for the display. They have limited colors and some waxes as well.

I wasn't sure which color to get but settled on the color Primitive to start with. 

I chose a small upright dresser that I use in my kitchen as my desk. It is a very old piece with pretty lines but a terrible paint job. A previous owner used a faux wood finish on it and it looked really bad. I had been putting off painting it. This was the perfect piece to try the new paint on.

Excuse the mess. ;)

It took about one and a half jars to cover the dresser.

When I was done, I used the Americana Decor Creme Wax to finish it off, I love this wax!! It goes on smooth and silly and dries very quickly. 

I am so pleased with this product that I bought 6 more jars from Michael's to paint several more pieces in my house.

Here is the finished dresser. Isn't she pretty? 

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