Friday, March 16, 2012

{ sorry for the hiatus }

Its been a bit since I've last posted. We have been battling a virus that is going around the kids schools right now. High fevers, bad coughs..... and an extra dose of bronchitis for mommy. basically 3 weeks of illness but I think we are out of the woods now.
Just in time for Emma to get another tooth in. ;)

What I am working on right now.

1. Getting my home in order for being sick for a few weeks. Its amazing how much doesn't get done when mommy is sick ;) I think my recovery took longer because I had to mix being in bed with trying to keep the house from exploding in my absense.

 2. Emma's first birthday is next week! Can't believe my baby will be a year old already. Because of being sick, I have so much catching up to do. And hoping her cute headband will be ready in time. Somehow I forgot that it takes time to craft a custom headband AND get it shipped to me in time. Thank goodness for priority mail.

3. Because of number 2, I am also trying to plan out Emma's first birthday photoshoot with some creative ideas. Stay posted for those. Can't wait to see how they turn out and hoping the teething subsides so I can get some smiles that don't include a very runny nose at the moment.

4. Lastly, trying to get a little green in by tomorrow. I may be only an 8th Irish but that doesn't matter. I have 3 bright redheaded children so that is plenty reason to celebrate. And their dad is half Irish. 
Menu for tomorrow night- Corned Beef and cabbage cooked in the crock pot in apple juice- its delicious and a nice contrast to the usual salty meal, Irish Soda Bread, brussel spouts (we'll see how those go over) and green jello.

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