Monday, January 9, 2012

{ word of the year }

This year instead of New Year's Resolutions hastily made and quickly forgotten, many people are choosing instead to pick a word or phrase as inspiration for the new year.
Here are some Word of the Year postings from some bloggers that I follow-
 Miss Mustard Seed, The Lettered Cottage, and my sister-in-law Esther at Lovingly Thrown Together.

This past year we added a beautiful life to our family. A beautiful baby girl who has brought so much joy. But any addition to the family causes some imbalance for a little while and it takes time to bring balance back to the family. I am in the midst of finding that balance as a mother of 4 children-

how to take care of all their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs,
how to keep my home in order with so many little ones to care for,
how to not lose myself in the midst of it all. 

I find myself worried about being able to get it all done,
about being able to be everything to everyone,
about forgetting something.
 I gave it alot of thought and so many things came to mind- organization, prayer, health were some of them. 
But one word stood out for me this year more than the rest.

I am inspired by this quote

and so this year I am seeking Peace in my life, in my body, in my home.
I am going to post that quote in my kitchen where I can see it every day
to remind me that true peace lies within my heart.

"My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid". John 14:27

What word are you going to use as inspiration for this new year?

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent1 So true, esp in my personal life and for the world as a whole!
