Tuesday, January 24, 2012

{ this little light of mine }

Remember my post about my Shades of Grey bedroom redo? Well, I promised to explain where the lamps came from.

Here it is. While exploring one of my favorite blogs one day, I found this lamp redo and fell in love. (320 Sycamore is one of my favorite blogs that I follow. I have found so many great ideas. Check it out when you have a chance.)

Basically, all you need for a great lamp or set of lamps is a lamp with great shape or form. Thrift stores and garage sales are full of brass lamps that are a bit dated. But all it takes is a can or 2 of spray paint and those dated lamps have a new modern look. I have seen lamps like these at stores like Home Goods for $50 and up. 

My lamps before look looked very similar to the lamp below. I purchased my set from Craigslist for $20 for the pair and the spray paint was $2 a can. I used primer first and than a gray shade for the base. The lamp shades I got for $2 each from a garage sale. Total cost- $14 a lamp. And I love them.

And here is the finished product.

Little Tip- When you go to a garage sale, thrift store, or regular store, keep your eyes open for items that have great form. Even if they are a color you don't like or are a metal like brass, they can be spraypainted to give you a custom look. You can spraypaint metal, plastic, wood, glass, and other surfaces.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

{Framed Clippie Art}

One of my favorite things to do recently is repurpose old frames bought for very little at garage sales or thrift stores into useful things around the house. I will be posting some blog posts in the next few days with some of the creations I have made using ideas from Pinterest and favorite stores like Pottery Barn.  I have 3 little girls with beautiful hair and with that comes lots of hairclips and the need to store them somewhere. What I used in the past was a hairclip holder I made that was a wooden butterfly I painted and attached ribbons to that the clips attached to. It worked for a while but I felt it looked to cluttered on the wall and I wanted to make something more "finished" to keep the hairclips in order. So after using inspiration from Pinterest, this is what I came up with.

I used a picture frame from a cool thrift store I discovered while on vacation this summer- cost: $1.00, a can of pink spray paint (that I used to cover the lamp as well), fabric from my fabric stash, and various ribbon pieces I had in the house. Total cost- about $3.00. 

I took the frame apart, discarded the glass, and spray painted the wood a bright pink color to make it pop on the wall. I than glued fabric to the back of the picture frame with my glue gun and glued different types and colors of ribbon to the back of it, being sure to not actually glue the ribbon on to the front of the fabric (or the clippies wouldn't be able to clip- make sense?). I than put the frame back together and hung it on the wall. This took me less than an hour to complete. My plan is to make one more of these in a smaller size to hang next to it. 

I prefer this look alot because it turns the hairclips into useful art on the wall. 
What do you think?

Oh, in case you're wondering, some of the clips I made myself, some I purchased from various stores, and the orange flower clip and leopard ribbon one are from my friend's shop Heather's Feathers. Please check out her shop because she does such fabulous work, has great customer service, and makes custom orders as well.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

{ Comfort in a Bowl }

Well after months of almost "autumnish" weather, the bitter cold of January has finally appeared. Last night I had to remind hubby to put salt down because of icing on the driveway and sidewalk. Winter has officially come to NJ. My favorite thing to make for my family when the chill of winter is here is soup.  We have many favorites here: Beef Stew, Broccoli Soup, French Onion Soup, Spinach Gruyere, and a new favorite Potato Kale and Sausage Soup.  Most of my favorite recipes are from the The Pioneer Woman's website. Her website is full of great ideas, recipes, stories and photography tips but I primarily go there for the recipes. I especially recommend checking out her site if you are new to cooking because she has many step by step photographs of a meal being prepared that show you exactly what to do as you are making a recipe. 

I serve soups frequently in our home- prepared from scratch and I often have the children included in the process so they can see how it is made. I think it makes them more likely to try something new if they can feel like the helped create it.

Our favorite recipe from her site is her Cauliflower Soup recipe. This soup is seriously one of the most delicious soups I have ever had. It is the perfect combination of taste, texture and is very simple to make. And my children love it!  I love to serve this with homemade bread or rolls but any kind of bread or crackers will do. My kids love to add goldfish to soup.  If you've never made soup before, now is a perfect time to start.  Enjoy!
putting the cauliflower in the pot

cooking away

the finished product (I often use my stick blender to blend the soup up a tiny bit if the cauliflower is too chunky)

adding goldfish crackers seems to be a favorite ;)


even the picky 3-year old likes it

  • 1 stick Butter, Divided
  • ½ whole Onion, Finely Diced
  • 1 whole Carrot Finely Diced
  • 1 stalk Celery, Finely Diced
  • 1 whole (to 2 Whole) Cauliflower Heads (roughly Chopped)
  • 2 Tablespoons Fresh Or Dried Parsley (chopped)
  • 2 quarts Low-sodium Chicken Broth Or Stock
  • 6 Tablespoons All-purpose Flour
  • 2 cups Whole Milk
  • 1 cup Half-and-half
  • 2 teaspoons To 4 Teaspoons Salt, To Taste
  • 1 cup (heaping) Sour Cream, Room Temperature

Preparation Instructions

In a large soup pot or dutch oven, melt 4 tablespoons butter. Add the onion and cook for a few minutes, or until it starts to turn brown.
Add the carrots and celery and cook an additional couple of minutes. Add cauliflower and parsley and stir to combine.
Cover and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, pour in chicken stock or broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and allow to simmer.
In a medium saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons butter. Mix the flour with the milk and whisk to combine. Add flour-milk mixture slowly to the butter, whisking constantly.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 cup half-and-half. Add mixture to the simmering soup. Allow to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Check seasoning and add more salt or pepper if necessary.
Just before serving, place the sour cream in a serving bowl or soup tureen. Add two to three ladles of hot soup into the tureen and stir to combine with the sour cream. Pour in remaining soup and stir.
Serve immediately.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

{ quote of the week }

"Peace begins with a Smile". Mother Teresa

Monday, January 9, 2012

{ word of the year }

This year instead of New Year's Resolutions hastily made and quickly forgotten, many people are choosing instead to pick a word or phrase as inspiration for the new year.
Here are some Word of the Year postings from some bloggers that I follow-
 Miss Mustard Seed, The Lettered Cottage, and my sister-in-law Esther at Lovingly Thrown Together.

This past year we added a beautiful life to our family. A beautiful baby girl who has brought so much joy. But any addition to the family causes some imbalance for a little while and it takes time to bring balance back to the family. I am in the midst of finding that balance as a mother of 4 children-

how to take care of all their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs,
how to keep my home in order with so many little ones to care for,
how to not lose myself in the midst of it all. 

I find myself worried about being able to get it all done,
about being able to be everything to everyone,
about forgetting something.
 I gave it alot of thought and so many things came to mind- organization, prayer, health were some of them. 
But one word stood out for me this year more than the rest.

I am inspired by this quote

and so this year I am seeking Peace in my life, in my body, in my home.
I am going to post that quote in my kitchen where I can see it every day
to remind me that true peace lies within my heart.

"My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid". John 14:27

What word are you going to use as inspiration for this new year?