Monday, February 13, 2012

{ Photo Valentines }

Every February I find myself trying to balance simplicity with creativity when it comes to the valentines my children bring to school. Stores are full of premade valentines that are inexpensive and cute but I have always prefered homemade valentines because I like the idea of my children taking the time to create something for their friends and family. We usually make them with a combination of construction paper, markers, glue, stickers, glitter and other various art supplies but this year I stumbled on a brillant idea on Pinterest. It was the perfect mix of simplicity and creativity and I love how the valentines turned out.
Take a look.

First take some cute pictures of you kids holding their closed fists out towards the camera. This took a few tries to get the angle right.  I than placed text and "stickers" on the photo using a photodeveloping program. Sent the files off to CVS Photo online and picked them up from the store an hour later. Did I mention this is really easy to do? And inexpensive too.

Than get some lollipops- I used Dum-Dums because they fit well.

 Cut slits in the picture on top and below the fist and insert the lollipop stick.
The kids helped me assemble these.
Super Easy and Super Cute!

Happy Valentine's Day from our family!

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