Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{ joy in the little moments }

I cut my son's hair. 
You know its time for your son to have a haircut when he has not one,
but 2 cowlicks in his hair. Yikes!
Yes, it is bright red, and yes, he gets it from me (everyone asked me where the color come from)
even though my hair is much darker now.
Okay, now that you know that, sonny boy needed a haircut desperately so I set up everything in the bathroom the other evening and got to work cutting the overgrown mess on top of his head
while daddy took care of his 3 sisters downstairs.

He is in Kindergarten this year. Full-day Kindergarten. So when he gets home from school its pretty much getting changed into play clothes, snack, homework, playtime and doing his chore which usually is emptying the dishwasher, dinner, cleanup, pjs, teeth  brushed, story, prayers, and sleep.
As you can see, there really isn't much time during the week for much else. 
The schedule is pretty full of just those things. My kids have an early bedtime because their school bus comes so early every morning- 6:45 am!

As we got settled in, old sheet pinned around his neck to keep the hairs off of him as best I could, I realized we hadn't had a chat in a while. 
"How's it going?", I asked him.

And so we talked. 

About school
About friends.
About home.

It was so good to have that time without any distractions.
He's my only son and he growing up so fast and I am so 
grateful for that 30 minutes I had to cut his hair.

And I realized that if I was having his hair cut at a barber, I might miss out
 on this precious moment together with him.

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