Saturday, January 21, 2012

{Framed Clippie Art}

One of my favorite things to do recently is repurpose old frames bought for very little at garage sales or thrift stores into useful things around the house. I will be posting some blog posts in the next few days with some of the creations I have made using ideas from Pinterest and favorite stores like Pottery Barn.  I have 3 little girls with beautiful hair and with that comes lots of hairclips and the need to store them somewhere. What I used in the past was a hairclip holder I made that was a wooden butterfly I painted and attached ribbons to that the clips attached to. It worked for a while but I felt it looked to cluttered on the wall and I wanted to make something more "finished" to keep the hairclips in order. So after using inspiration from Pinterest, this is what I came up with.

I used a picture frame from a cool thrift store I discovered while on vacation this summer- cost: $1.00, a can of pink spray paint (that I used to cover the lamp as well), fabric from my fabric stash, and various ribbon pieces I had in the house. Total cost- about $3.00. 

I took the frame apart, discarded the glass, and spray painted the wood a bright pink color to make it pop on the wall. I than glued fabric to the back of the picture frame with my glue gun and glued different types and colors of ribbon to the back of it, being sure to not actually glue the ribbon on to the front of the fabric (or the clippies wouldn't be able to clip- make sense?). I than put the frame back together and hung it on the wall. This took me less than an hour to complete. My plan is to make one more of these in a smaller size to hang next to it. 

I prefer this look alot because it turns the hairclips into useful art on the wall. 
What do you think?

Oh, in case you're wondering, some of the clips I made myself, some I purchased from various stores, and the orange flower clip and leopard ribbon one are from my friend's shop Heather's Feathers. Please check out her shop because she does such fabulous work, has great customer service, and makes custom orders as well.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! I will have to come back to this when I design a girl's room someday!
