Sunday, April 15, 2012

{Time to Reconnect}

Every winter my husband and I go away to celebrate our anniversary together. We go to the same place everytime and everytime we go we say the same thing, we wish the kids could be here with us. So last year we started a tradition of taking the children to Lancaster County, PA for Easter Vacation.  Lancaster County PA happens to be a huge tourist location because of the Amish who live here and the country crafts and wares as well as antiques that can be found . To be honest, most of the time my husband and I have went we have spent our days driving around the countryside exploring little shops, eating BLTs at our favorite deli, shopping at our favorite salvage antique store, eating icecream made right on the farm, and other relaxing and peaceful activities. Sounds boring I am sure but we love it because going is away for us is less about entertainment and more about just being together.
My husband has been working down round the clock- he gets up about 6 am every day and
works until he goes to bed each night right now with his primary job and a tax preparer job
he has on the side.  It has been rough on all of us so we really needed time to reconnect as a family.  
So we decided to take the kids with us to Lancaster for a family trip.
A trip centered around each other and not entertaining them.
A trip centered around reconnecting with each other.
And it was perfect.

  checking out the cows at Lapp Dairy Farm

enjoying the fresh homemade icecream 

Emma getting her fill of icecream cone 

 icecream makes Charlotte very happy

daddy's favorite food

going for a ride through Hershey, USA

quick family picture

 practicing pretzel making at the Pretzel Factory in Intercourse, PA

someone is a pro at this

silly kids

{Spur of the Moment}

Goodness its been so long since I last posted. Life just sort of got away from me over the past few weeks with my youngest's first birthday party (pictures to come soon), Holy Week, Easter, Vacation, and kids off from school (the latter I barely survived).

Today I learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes there are things more important than Mommy Break Time. My husband offered to take the kids to the park today so I could have some time to myself before the craziness of school started tomorrow.
So as he was getting the three older kids into the car, I sat back and sighed, drinking in the peace and quiet. Than I looked at my youngest, my one year old and thought, she would really like the park. And inwardly asking myself why I wasn't going.  And I realized that I was making the wrong choice.

"Do you want me to come with you?"  I asked my husband, expecting him to tell me
to relax and enjoy the quiet. "
 I would love that", he said. 
I grabbed my camera and we were off.
Sometimes being wanted is better than being alone.
Even if it was the first moment of peace I would have had in a week and a half.

We had fun.